Mon 27 Jan
2chics 4 hand~~~~11am until 5~~~Incall office --- No more sketchy houses-hotels~~~11AM-6pm - 30
(5min from kenwood mall, Cincinnati)
๐๐๐๐AFteRnoon BodyrUbs๐๐ Incall office ๐๐ SexYBrOwNSugaR ๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝBest Bodyrubs - 30
(5min from kenwood mall, Cincinnati)
Tue 21 Jan
The RED Roomโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ Incall office๐ค๐ค๐ค Sexy Almond Joy~~~~ No sketchy hotel or house!!! - 30
(5min from kenwood mall, Cincinnati)
๐๐๐๐Time 2 get PAMperEd๐๐ Incall office ๐๐ SexYBrOwNSugaR ๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝBest Bodyrubs - 30
(5min from kenwood mall, Cincinnati)
~~~~~~ ~~~~ SExy Brown Sugar~~ Just tell her your'e at the GYM~~~ iNCAll oFFICE~~ bRown SugaR ~~~~ - 30
(5min from kenwood mall, Cincinnati)
Sat 04 Jan
1๐๐๐SExY ALmond Joy!! Incall office..Best bodyrubs. Air Conditioned Bld!! - 30
(5min from kenwood mall, Cincinnati)
Thu 02 Jan