Mon 27 Jan
Tue 21 Jan
Gentlemen, come see Ms. Raven,Nky/near downtown Cinci!Well reviewed ( 859)206-6837 is the new # - 32
(Cincinnati, nky incall/greater cincy outcall)
YouR NEW ADDicTiON .-~*´¨¯¨`*~-. MaR 24tH ONLY .-~*´¨¯¨`*~ $150/HouR InCaLL .-~*´¨¯¨`*~ - 23
Stormy.. Christmas special of $80/hr.. come unwrap your special present. - 34
(Cincinnati, Cinci Area/Incall)
TLC☆~*~☆5136157493** come on over n let me ease ur mind☆~*~☆ - 25
Stormy's Special extended $80/hr until Sunday. Unwrap me under the tree this year! - 34
(Cincinnati, Cinci Area/Incall)
Stormy's special extended thru Sunday $80/hr. Unwrap me for Xmas this year. - 34
(Cincinnati, Cinci area incall)
Stormy.. best reviewed bodyrubs in Cinci for a reason. Schedule to see for yourself.. - 34
(Cincinnati, Cinci Area/Incall)
Stormy.. best reviewed bodyrubs in Cinci for a reason. Schedule to see for yourself.. NEW#! - 34
(Cincinnati, Cinci Area/Incall)
More MATURE & know how to please with a UNIQUE touch ((IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU )) :-) - 36
(Cincinnati, Near noorwood)
Let Stormy show you how to achieve true relaxation. Call today for 120/hr special! New #! - 34
(Cincinnati, Cinci area incall)
Gentlemen, come see Ms. Raven,Nky/near downtown Cinci!Well reviewed ( 859)905-7511 is the new # - 32
(Cincinnati, nky incall/greater cincy outcall)
Sun 12 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Come see why Stormy is the best at what she does! New Special - $120/hr! New #! - 34
(Cincinnati, Cinci Area/Incall)
Satisfation Guaranteed Call To Make Your Appointment Now!!! CALL Me! (513) 372-0704 NiCoLe - 21
Sun 05 Jan
YouR NEW ADDicTiON .-~*´¨¯¨`*~-. In TOWN MAR 9TH-MAR 15TH .-~*´¨¯¨`*~ LIMITed TimE OnLy.-~*´¨¯¨`* - 23
Sat 04 Jan
Gentlemen, come see Ms. Raven,Nky/near downtown Cinci!Well reviewed ( 859)206-6837 is the new # - 32
(Cincinnati, nky incall/greater cincy outcall)
Come see why Stormy is the best at what she does! Weekly Specials! - 34
(Cincinnati, Cinci Area/Incall)
Fri 03 Jan
TLC☆~*~☆8597390416** come on over n let me ease ur mind☆~*~☆ - 25
Thu 02 Jan